Thursday, February 17, 2011

The petrol engine. How does it work, and how should it be maintained?

 the engine coolant’s level, but never open the coolant tank when the engine is hot. Always add the coolant whenever the engine is at low temperatures and your vehicle is parked levelly.
At CarTradeIndia, we have regularly published informative articles on cars and their engineering. Today, as part of a series of articles, Shiva Shankar takes a look at the petrol engine. How does it work, and how should it be maintained?
Please do ask your questions using the comment feature and we will be happy to answer them. Note that we have tried to maintain readability without going into extreme level of detail, so in some cases we may have generalized a bit. But, your questions can of course be as technical as you want!
Engines are the heart of automobiles and they are indeed what make the automobile kick. While there are several types of engines, the most popular engine till date has been the petrol engines, which is described as relatively clean, easy to maintain, quiet and evolved to a good level of fuel efficiency. Though alternatives as CNG and LPG provide cleaner technology (read here for a comparison of different engine types), petrol engines remain cheaper and easier to maintain with less carrying costs attached to them.
Petrol engines have a wide variety of application in two-wheeler and four-wheeler automobiles aircrafts, motorboats and even small machines like lawn mowers, portable engine-generators or chainsaws.
Types of Petrol Engines
Petrol engines span various types and structures. The classification of petrol engines is dependent on various factors and they are typically classified based on:
Let us understand commonly used terminology used for petrol engines:
Two Stroke Engines and Four Stroke Engines
 Number of piston strokes per cycle
     Cylinder arrangement
     Valve arrangement
    Cooling technology
     Air Supply
The key segmentation in petrol engines depends on the number of strokes in their workings. Two stroke engines (click here to read more about the technical details of a two stroke engine) have two movements of the piston in a single thermodynamic cycle. Two stroke engines are known to provide high specific power but offer reduced fuel efficiency, more pollution and are noisier than the alternative. This makes them more popular in case of lightweight engines.
Four stroke engines, obviously with four strokes of the piston per thermodynamic cycle, are more popular in case of four wheelers and heavy automobiles, since efficiency and pollution matters more. Here, four strokes refer to the intake of air, compression of air, combustion (power), and exhaust. In the two strokes of a two stroke engine, all these components are combined.
Two stroke engines are commonly used where a small engine is to deliver significant power (relative to the vehicle’s weight), and where the compromise in terms of fuel efficiency and pollution is not significant. As the engine size increases, these compromises become harder to make and thus the four stroke engine becomes preferable.
The combustion chamber in case of engines plays an important role as it results in final fuel efficiency of the engine along with its power and emissions.
Cylinder Arrangement
In a petrol engine, the fuel explosions that power the vehicle, take place in the engine’s cylinders. Generally, the number of cylinders in engines, especially in the case of passenger car segment, ranges from 3 to 8. These cylinders can then be arranged in a specific way, which impacts the engines performance.
In general, the need for performance necessitates a larger combustion volume. But having a increasing the volume of a single cylinder will pose issues in terms of cooling, efficiency, and performance (the efficiency losses become larger as the cylinder size grows.) Thus, the need exists to have multiple cylinders.
In two wheelers, we find single and double cylinder engines. These double cylinders are usually arranged in a V shape pattern.
Three-cylinder engines have all three-cylinders arranged in a straight line, either vertically or slanted. This is also called as inline engine, where the pistons have common crankshaft, i.e. the transfer to the mechanical energy of the car.
Four cylinder engines are common amongst compact cars as well as sports cars. These cars are usually light weight cars and here too, the cylinders are placed in a single line.
6-cylinder and 8-cylidner engines are usually complex V-shaped engines where there are two banks of cylinders and pistons, which are aligned in two-different planes on the crankshaft. In passenger cars, V-8 layouts have generally been adopted for all piston displacements greater than 250 cubic inches (4 litres).
Most of the engines have even numbers of cylinders like 4, 6, 8 or 12. As an example, the Honda Accord has a V6 engine while Honda City comes with four-cylinder i-VTEC engine with 4-valves.
The number of cylinders in an engine impacts the vehicle’s total cylinder volume and thus its performance and mileage.
Air Supply
Car companies often described their engines as “ turbocharged engines.” This refers to an engine which delivers superior power, without changing the engine configuration itself. In order to increase the power, car engines are then referred to as super-charged or turbocharged. This is done by increasing the amount of air available in the engine for combustion. (As you will remember, combustion happens because of combination of oxygen and fuel, with a spark to ignite.)
In turbo engines, pumps force extra air in the cylinders, thus increasing the effect of combustion, thus increasing the power of the engine.
The power of the engine is limited by the amount of air reaching the cylinders. In order to burn one unit of petrol air needed is 15 times as much as the quantum of petrol. Thus, the more the air reaching the engines, the more is the power output.
Maruti Swift, Hyundai Sonata, Chevrolet Cruze in India are some of the classic examples of cars in India that have turbo-charged engines. Most of the car makers have turbo-charged engines for their models to lend them extra power.
Valve Arrangement
Did you hear the about VVT engine from Toyota or BMW? It refers to the Variable Valve Timing. It was originally developed by Toyota and allows variable combinations of lift, duration or timing of intake or exhaust valves while the engine is operating. This means when the engine is operational, valve timings will keep on adjusting itself as optimally for the vehicle’s present speed, which leads to improved fuel efficiency, optimised fuel consumption and lesser carbon emissions. Note that typically here, the valve refers to the fuel intake valve.
As a brief example, till a the car runs 80 KMPH the valve opening might be limited, whereas after that speed, the valve might open up to allow more fuel to enter the chamber.
The technology was commonly used in automobiles from BMW, Toyota, and Alfa Romeo but can now be found across the board.
Cooling Systems
As an engine performs its work, its temperature starts rising. In order to preserve efficiency and safety, it also needs to be cooled. In general, we find two mechanisms for cooling petrol engines.
In two wheelers, we typically find air cooled engines. The air flow around the engine carries away the engine’s heat, thus cooling it down.
The second is a liquid cooled system, found in larger vehicles, where there is a channel for liquid surrounding the cylinder assembly. As the engine’s temperature increases, a thermostat opens which allows liquid to circulate using special pumps for this purpose. The liquid often used is water, but there are specific cooling fluids also. Radiators further help cooling by then discharging the heat to the surrounding air.
Petrol Engine Systems – how it all comes together
While the above was an overview of petrol engine’s classifications, the operation of the engine relies on several other systems. The efficiency of these systems affects the overall operation of engine. Let’s take a look at these systems.
Air and Fuel System
This system makes sure the engine gets the right amount of both air and fuel needed for efficient operation. In earlier model, the carburettor was used for this fuel air mixture, a system which is still common in bikes. Today though, most of the new models have a fuel injection system, which replaces the carburettor but performs the same basic operation with better efficiency.
Ignition System
This system delivers a spark to ignite the compressed air/fuel mixture in the cylinder at the end of the compression stroke of the engine. The firing order of cylinders, which takes place in sequence, is determined by the engine manufacturer and can be found in vehicle service manual. The ignition system also manages this system.
As an example, in three cylinder engine the typical order is 1 – 3 – 2 (number refer to the cylinder number), while in V8 engine one finds 1-8-4-3-7-5-7-2 and 1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2.
Lubrication system
This system supplies oil to the various moving parts of engine, thus making sure friction is minimized. The oil lubricates all parts that slide in or on other parts. Lubrication also helps transfer of heat from one part to other for cooling.
Cooling system
This system is also extremely important. Coolant circulates in jackets around cylinder and in cylinder head. This removes part of heat produced by combustion and prevents engine from being damaged by overheating.
Exhaust system
This system removes burned gases from the combustion chamber and limits noise produced by engine. This also carries deadly carbon monoxide from passenger compartment to rear of vehicle. A proper exhaust is needed to ensure that the engine can performs its work optimally.
Emission control system
Several control devices, which are designed to reduce amount of pollutants released by engine have today been added to engine. These are applied across the various systems and thus can include engine design changes, reshaping combustion chamber, varying valve timing, controlling fuel air mixture etc.
An example – Maruti’s K-series Engine
Maruti has introduced the K-series engine for its cars. According to Maruti Suzuki India, the introduction of K-series engine in India is an example of Maruti Suzuki's commitment to take the engine technology in India to the next level. In a short span, Maruti factories are producing nearly 5 lakh engines per annum and powering entire Maruti product portfolio including export models.
As an example for above classification, the K-series engine has 3 or 4 cylinders, inline, in a liquid cooled four stroke engine with a non-variable valve timing. The car’s emissions, performance and efficiency has been improved through changes in the combustion chamber and filters in the exhaust chamber.
How to Keep Your Engine Healthy?
Regular maintenance of any machinery is needed to keep it healthy and same rule goes for your engine as well. For example, regular oil changes are important in order to keep your engine in good shape.
You can easily check your engine’s oil yourself. Park your car on a level plain and stop the engine. Let the engine cool down a little so that the oil shrinks down to the oil pan. Heated engine oil tends to be lighter and needs to be settled to know the correct level of it.

Other fluids like power steering fluid and brake fluid are not part of engine function and won’t be discussed here.
The main sign for engine issues can be felt while driving. If you experience unusual humming or vibrations, check your engine. If the vibrations or humming is more pronounced when you open the hood, take your car to the dealer or the service centre.
More often than not, a malfunctioning engine will reveal itself first as an unusual noise. This can happen before problems affect drivability of vehicle. When correctly interpreted, engine noise can be a very valuable diagnostic aid. Careful noise diagnosis reduces chance of ruining the engine by continuing to use the vehicle despite the problem.
Noise diagnosis is a technical task and needs experience in distinguishing one noise with other. For example one person’s “rattle” can be other persons “Thump”. Hence it’s always better to rely upon expert mechanic for proper diagnosis. However, if you feel the engine’s sound has changed from before, that’s a clear sign you need to do further R&D.
As a general rule, insufficient lubrication is most common cause of engine noise and that can be taken care of by checking oil level as mentioned above.
It is a good idea to regularly clean under the hood. Clean your car for accumulated debris, dust or smog. You can use a normal blower or even a small old paint brush. It is important that your car should shine under the hood as well just as it does above the hood.
In case of washing at service centre, the procedure includes using soap oil for cleaning dust and oil stains. However after washing they will ensure to dry it neatly and also check the things like distributor cap, battery terminals and other wiring connections. They will also carry out timing check to ensure engine in proper condition. Hence it’s useful to get the service of engine compartment done from authorised service centres.
The above is an attempt to provide information on petrol engine while keeping it as simple as possible. The main idea is to increase awareness about the petrol engines.
In simple words, following the scheduled maintenances as mentioned in owner’s manual will help a lot in keeping the engine condition at best. By having knowledge of different kind of noises that can be generated by engine, and checking oil level, coolant level etc, the risk of damages can be avoided. For this, the only method is to show interest in your car e.g. you can give attention to the engine sound before and after giving for service. But please do bear in mind that it takes proper diagnosis tools and lot of expertise for accurate diagnosis and remedy.

How To Use a Motor Bike Or Purchse Second One

Similar to people facing the challenge of buying a used car, many people face a dilemma when buying a bike. Let us consider a person with Rs 30,000 cash looking to buy a bike. He would be in dilemma whether to go for a used bike with a cash payment or a new bike with same money as down-payment and the remaining amount financed through a loan.
As a general experience, many buyers after doing their research, not satisfied with the used bike offers, choose to go for a new Bike under a loan scheme. Main reason is the difficulty in getting the desired powered bike within the available budget, especially considering the number of new models being launched frequently and the fact that maintenance of a new bike is easier than a used bike. Thus, the new bike is often more accessible for the bike buyer than a used one.
This being said, there are often many good used bikes available, if only the buyer knows how to go for one. Today, we take a look at the process of buying a used bike.
Choosing a bike
The first step in purchasing bike is to decide which make and model to buy. Here, we typically see two large preference types. Youngsters often prefer power, performance and styling whereas working people prefer the combination of style and mileage. Especially people with excessive travel per day tend to look for mileage rather than power and style.
Some of the bikes that rank in power and style include the Royal Enfield Thunderbird, Bajaj Pulsar 220cc, the Karizma, Yamaha R15 etc and many other 150cc bikes found in the Pulsar, Yamaha FZ, and Hero Honda Hunk series.
Finally, bikes where preference for mileage is important lead to the set that includes 100cc bikes such as Hero Honda Splendor, CD Dawn, Bajaj Platina , etc.
The bikes which are in the middle - i.e. reasonable power and mileage, are in the 125cc and 135cc bike segment, including the Bajaj Discover, Hero Honda Glamour, Honda Shine etc.
The Yamaha RX100 and RX135 hold a special place in the used bike segment. Till date they are the most preferred used bikes for youngsters. Being two stroke engines, with high reliability, and the suitability for off-road racing and wheeling makes it the preferred choice.
In general thus, depending on whether the buyer is looking for a power bike, an efficient bike, or an in between performance bike, the cubic capacity of the bike is decided. Examining spec sheets thus leads to the available universe of bikes.
Price Range of Used Bikes
Besides the Cubic Capacity preference, budget is of course also an important constraint. The table below gives some indicative prices of used bikes in current situation, to get an idea. There is of course a large universe of used bikes and this table is just as an example.
Sl noMakeModelYearApp price
1BajajCT 100200520000
2BajajPulsar 150200535000
3BajajPulsar 150200850000
4Hero HondaSplendor200837000
5Hero HondaKarizma200748000
8Royal EnfieldThunder bird200765000
9TVS MotorsApache200855000
10YamahaRX 135200025000
12SuzukiAccess 125200742000
This is the generation of newness. Customers want something special in their bike. Almost all manufacturers tend to keep ahead of trends and introduce one or two special features in every model launched. For Example Bajaj introduced the Pulsar 150cc with a twin spark engine in order to get higher volumetric efficiency. Hero Honda introduced a special feature in the Glamour wherein the engine automatically gets off if it is inclined beyond certain limit. Similarly today, electric start is common in almost all bikes, and at least there would be a option for the same.
The development in features in new bikes has implications for used bikes also. Every new feature tends to deprecate the old, outdated feature, and thus cause some reduced attraction. Hence, it does affect the price of used bikes to some extent. It’s worth keeping this in mind when negotiating.
Where to find your used bike?
Finding a used bike is quite a bit simpler compared than locating a used car. This is mostly due to the size of the market, where there is a much larger number of used bikes available for sale. As a result, the sources for used bikes are just a lost more, including advertisements in websites, magazines, used bike consultants etc. Even a two wheeler mechanic in nearby location would be a good place to buy a bike.
Keep your wish-list in hand while browsing or discussing with such sources, and you can be confident to find the bike that you are looking for.
Inspection of a Used Bike
The inspection of a used bike is a relatively easy task, since the system is quite a bit simpler and thus many will be aware of maintenance problems, troubles during riding etc. However, the taking help of a friend or a mechanic would still make it easier to take a decision.
There are some points important during the purchase of a used bike.
First of all, while inspecting a bike don’t put much faith in the odometer reading. It’s a simple procedure to disconnect the worm from the front wheel to avoid the running of the meter.
Check the condition of tyres; excessive wear would also mean a larger number of punctures, hence both tyre and tube have to be changed. Make sure you reduce this from your purchase price.
While inspecting the bike’s body, pay attention to scratches, broken fenders, indicators, modifications done to the handle, seat cover, tank cover, etc. All these things indicate possibility of an earlier accident and hence some structural damage.
After checking the bike’s exterior – not a large task for a bike, it’s time for a ride. Start the bike and check for the ease of starting. Also be sure to check horn at this point - a low tone horn would not only indicate that the horn needs to be replaced, it can also mean a weak battery.
Take the vehicle for a test ride and check the ride quality, brake efficiency, chain noise etc. Excessive chain noise would mean insufficient lubrication and necessity to replace the same. In many modern bikes, the chain does not need lubrication and chain cover will not be there. In such cases excessive noise indicates the necessity to tighten the chain and a probable replacement in near future.
During test ride pay good attention to the bike’s movement and pickup from when the clutch is engaged. A draggy effect indicates a worn out clutch plate, which will soon need your attention. After the test ride, inspect for leakage of oil from shock absorbers, grease leakage from wheel bearings etc.
Buying procedure of the used bike
After taking a test ride and being convinced by the condition of bike, ask for the original RC book, Insurance, Emission certificate, and check the number of owners. Pay attention to any possible hypothecation on the bike. In case the two-wheeler was under loan which has been cleared, there would be an authentication from RTO for the cancellation of hypothecation. Absence of it can mean that the bike is under loan. In such case, you may want to avoid the risk of clearing the loan from your side. Simply wait till loan is cleared and the hypothecation cancellation is done.
After ensuring that all documentation is perfect, the final stage is to do negotiation and finalize the deal. Awareness of market price of the said make and model matters a lot. By examining the market listings on for used bikes one can be aware of the current market price of bikes.
Once the deal is finalized, get the sign of the seller on the concerned form for transfer of ownership. It is often advisable to stay on top of the transfer of ownership even if the bike is bought from a dealer or consultant.
Seller’s point of view
For bike sellers it will be a humbling task to quote a price suiting market trends. This is because given the constant entry of new bikes into market with their new features, buyers tend not to be interested to invest much for used bikes. Two wheelers being a necessity for most people, if we sell one, we will have to go for another which will mean extra investment. Seller would thus be caught in dilemma whether to use the same bike for few more years and go for new one with extra investment which many times leads to taking loans.
Once again, browsing for used bikes will help a lot to know the approximate market price of said model and use it for quoting.
Buying used bike is a relatively simple task in principle but it can be very confusing task due to the availability of plenty of bikes of different segments. First, one has to decide about whether mileage or power is preferred. Then, using various sources such as internet, one needs to focus on the model of bike needed. Then consult friends and dealers to locate the suitable bike.